Sure things are more convenient, safe & reliable in our super modern age but we could argue...un-excitingly so. So many great pleasures are making their way onto the extinction list and at such a rate that we barely remember them at all.
Well i'm remembering one of them now. Thanks to a great friend in the US of A, who caused this beautiful little thing to end up in our postbox in Sunnyside. welovelyndsay It's not addressed to me, but to Maike, and although she has yet to come home and open it i had to share it with you all. Who ever you might be.
What a great feeling such a pretty little surprise can create in our busy lives. We should all make an effort to post beautiful things like this to each other far more often. Sure it's what's inside the envelope that matters but it is what's out-side of it that has made my day.