We love books.
New books. Dusty books. Books on the shelf. Linen-covered books. Cooking Books. Penguin Books. Old books. Interesting Books. Boring Books. Picture Books. Books that belong to the library. Books books books.

Conventional wedding albums just don’t cut it anymore and don’t get us started on the substandard “designer albums” and “story-books” that every weekend photographer under the hot African sun is peddling to unsuspecting couples.
We have searched for some of the finest local vendors to help us produce books that we are very proud of. Only the best quality digital printing available in South Africa is used on the finest imported Italian Acid-Free Art papers. All the books are hand-stitched & finally, bound in beautiful canvas or linens. Our books are personally designed with you in mind and always maintain a simple elegant layout that is great for show-casing the best pictures from your awesome wedding day.
The books come as a set of 3 of 100 pages each. One 10inch x 10inch for you and two 5inch x 5inch books, exact copies of the larger book, as gifts for your parents.
Pretty nifty. We think so too.