Friedl and Mareesa put
all the effort into their hand-made wedding and that is why it was so AWESOME! They chose a very special part of the country, somewhere we had not yet been, to hold this wedding
made for photographing.

Held at the Oranje Guest House, not far out of Clarens in the Freestate in a mindblowingly beautiful area. Wide open veld, with weeping willows and lazy wheat fields nestled between sandstone cliffs - for as far as you can see. We fell in love with it immediately.
Though young themselves, Friedl and Mareesa took everyone back in time with
vintage everything. From her wonderful dress, and (in their own words) his
"sweet-jacket" to antique plates on every table. There is actually too much to mention so we'll stop there and leave room for another post later.
Take a deap breath - its a big post!

We set up a small portrait studio at the reception with a few props for people to have a laugh with -
did they ever. We had the time of our lives shooting these. Click on them for a better view.

It did end well.